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Research, Advocacy, Project Management

Critical government partners drive strategic policy through the process knowledge to policy

Logo Article 33 Indonesia
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Call for Paper

Forum on Education and Learning Transformation (FELT) 2024


"Overcoming Education Gaps in Indonesia" with 5 sub-themes.


Submit your best abstract no later than May 7, 2024!


There is no registration fee and selected papers will be published.

A33 News

Latest news from Article 33 Indonesia

News, Events

Road to FELT 2024: Building Dialogue Towards Quality and Equitable Education in Indonesia

On July 8 2024, Road to FELT 2024 as a pre-conference forum was organized by the Center for Educational Standards and Policy... Read again

Work A33, News

Preparing for Transition: Effective Strategies for the Future of Vocational Education

Brown Bag Facing Type III Self-Managed Transition Directorate General of Vocational Studies, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture On June 24, Article 33 Indonesia carried out discussion activities... Read again

Press conference

Workshop on Economic Diversification of Regions Rich in Natural Resources by Article 33 Indonesia

On 27 and 28 February 2024, Article 33 Indonesia supported by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the FORD Foundation held a workshop... Read again
Other news

Latest Research

Browse 50+ Article 33 Indonesia research with 150+ publications.

Article 33 Indonesia has conducted more than 50 research projects in Indonesia and has a collection of more than 150 impactful publications in various formats, including books, research reports, policy notes, annual reports, working papers, guidelines and study instruments.

Other publications

what we do

Since 14 years of existence, Article 33 Indonesia positioning itself as a strategic and trusted partner in the evidence-based policy making process in Indonesia.

Article 33 Indonesia has capabilities in:

Quantitative and qualitative research, including monitoring and evaluation.

Advocacy and capacity building for policy implementation.

Project management and project implementation in the field.

Focus Article 33 Indonesia


Research with a team of education experts in advancing the education system through collaboration with the government, education coalitions, and holding webinars and conferences.

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

Research to improve good governance and social forestry regulations in Indonesia, as well as strengthening the capacity of social forestry institutions.

Regional Inclusive Development

Strengthening economic diversification and inclusive local development in areas rich in natural resources, as well as monitoring and evaluating Village Fund flagship projects.

GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion)

Strengthening issues of Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion in various development projects, agendas and policies in remote areas and other fields.

Article 33 Indonesia's Experience in Numbers

A33 is supported by more than 20 permanent staff and 170 individual experts in managing Type III Self-Management.




City and Regency
in Indonesia

57 Billion

Annual fund management


Quantitative and qualitative, including monitoring and evaluation.

Policy Advocacy

Advocacy and capacity building for policy implementation.

Project management

Planning, strategy development and field implementation.

Project Map

Click on a province to see A33 activity, for a complete list see here

Peta Project
Jawa Barat

West Java

  • Urban Futures, Hivos, Bandung City, 2009-2010

Our Partners

Article 33 Indonesia increases impact through collaboration with leading funding institutions, key policy makers at national and regional levels, academic institutions, community organizations, community groups/grassroots groups, and the private sector.